Wedge Tee Boxes

Tee Boxes: For practicing 20, 40 & 60-yard shots

Tee Boxes — For practicing 20, 40 & 60-yard shots

“20 to 60-yard short game shots are incredibly important to practice — so let us build some wedge tee boxes at specific distances to your green complex " then let the improvement begin!”
~ Dave Pelz

Allows you to practice soft pitch shots, soft wedge swings, and even full wedge swings if space allows.

We recommend using SYNLawn Golf’s 5' x 5' Pro Fairway Mat.

Recommended distances for wedge tee box placement are: 20 yards to target, 40 yards, 60 yards.

Place wedge tee boxes at any location (in shade with a cooler and a bench) you desire, and that complements your complex and makes it easy to practice.

“Remember, making Golf easy to practice and fun is what SYNLawn is all about. So let us design a golf complex that makes working on small pitch swings easy. That might mean locating a wedge tee box in a nicely shaded area for mid-day (lunchtime) practice.”
~ Dave Pelz

“Placing wedge tee boxes at different locations around your complex can let you experience every angle into your greens.”
~ Pelz Golf Institute

Video Instruction by Dave Pelz:


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SYNLawn Golf are the global leaders in artificial grass solutions combining product innovation with installation expertise and a commitment to excellence.

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